April 15, 2022 - Billings, MT

We made our way in to Billings in the late afternoon, with a couple of hours to spare to go to bookstores. Kirk's Grocery is a gem of a gallery and music space. We felt right at home. Nathan is a duo who played their first show and lifted the spirits. It felt comforting to be received with such enthusiasm. When we played "Paper Lanterns," people danced together with partners. Parts of the interstate were closed following the snow of recent days, and the only route to Miles City, Montana from Billings took us through a series of dirt roads, with bumps of their own formation and bumps of snow and black ice. We did not see another car for a good hour. The main signs of life met us when we passed Forsyth, Montana. An older fellow told us of when he played in a country and western band, and as he aged, he slowed his life on the road in favor of playing in nursing homes. After one show, he approached an older gentleman who appeared to be in rough shape. He said "I hope you get better." The man replied, "I hope you do, too." We avoided a couple of families of deer who crossed our paths, a hare, and some cattle along the roadway. The roads took us up through mountains and back down again. The car rattled along and reemerged into civilization at the purple building where we're staying for the night. 

At Kirk's Grocery, Billings, Montana

Hester with our merch at Kirk's Grocery, Billings, Montana

Nathan and Teething Veils

The roads of Montana

Baltimore Broommaker
The Castaway
Auburn Aumbry
A House After a Hurricane
Sewn Hands
The Poor Clare Monastery
Pinhole Camera
There's Nothing to Explain
The Microphone Died
Tied to Nowhere
Paper Lanterns

Road music: Kristin Hersh



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